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NIULI has 20 years of experience in producing hand pallet trucks. Our AC hydraulic pump boasts of top quality and independent R&D. 

The NIULI Hydraulic Manual Pallet Stacker is capable of enhancing the handling efficiency and optimizing storage space utilization. The small lift truck has a hand crank that can elevate the forks to a height of up to 3000mm and has a lifting capacity ranging from 500kg to 2000kg. Despite its small size, it can operate efficiently in aisles. The manual hydraulic stackers serve as a cost-effective answer for lifting and moving pallets and cargoes, given their ability to adeptly rotate within an aisle, retrieve a load, and deposit it onto a rack system shelf.



 : +86 189 2201 8035
 : kukushy1314
 : +86 13427190577
 : niuli_jason@chinaniuli.com
 : No.33,Nandong Industrial Zone,Hecheng City,Heshan,Guangdong,China
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